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Review Videos

Did You Know?
Without SIX 5-Star Reviews, Your Business Isn't Trusted


Review Videos Market Your Reputation. Easily build credibility all over the web by repurposing your reviews into videos that serve a specific purpose, are optimized for search engines, and can be used many ways.

Showcase Your 5-Star Reviews FIVE ways:

  • Customer/Patient/Client Review

  • Welcome to your website video

  • Employment video

  • Press Release video

  • Sales video

Where to Use Your 5-Star Review Videos:

  • On your website

  • Video channels

  • Blog posts

  • Social media posts

  • Email

Review Videos

Example using AI Technology

Join the Beta Program:

For a limited time, PRO-FOUND is Offering Spots in Our Beta Program to Business Owners. We Cover All Production Expenses in Exchange for Your Feedback and a Portion of the Syndication Costs. 

When you join the beta program, you receive TWO 5-Star Review Videos, each created with professional spokesmodels, graphic animation and professional music. One of the videos will utilize AI technology allowing for a custom script. We underwrite all the production expenses in exchange for your feedback on the new technology and a portion of the syndication costs.

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